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Viral hepatitis

Hepatitis is the state of inflammation of cells in liver, an important organ. It is commonly caused by viral infection. There are five main hepatitis viruses, namely hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses. In addition, hepatitis can be caused by alcohol, drugs, chemicals or genetic diseases.

  • Seroprevalence of HAV, HBV and HEV infection by age group and gender
  • Antiviral therapy for hepatitis B in TB/HBV co-infection
  • Mathematical modelling of HBV infection and cost-effectiveness analysis on the universal screening strategy
  • Molecular epidemiology of HCV infection in people who inject drugs, people living with HIV, and healthy adults without identifiable route of transmission
  • Haplotype and viral quasispecies of HCV
  • Point-of-care hepatitis C reflex testing and treatment referral in methadone clinic settings
  • Mathematical modelling of HCV infection and cost-effectiveness of test-and-treat strategy in people who inject drugs and men who have sex with men
  • Human pegivirus co-infection